Health Presentations/Seminars
Bring us to your home, church or community


“How can I get healthy, lose weight, and feel better overall?”  

“Why do so many people that seem to eat “healthy” get cancer and other serious health diseases?”

By learning how your body works and the power of simple lifestyle changes you can discover the answers to the questions above and achieve tremendous changes in your life.

To this end we offer the following presentations:


The Acid/Alkaline Connection – provides one reason why even the most health-conscious people can get cancer and other major illnesses. It goes over how the foods we eat effect our cellular pH and how that relates to our health and wellbeing. 


 Understanding Your Hormones- Do you or someone you know struggle with: depression, anxiety, PMS, mood swings, irregular cycles, infertility, acne, hot flashes, painful cycles, miscarriage, etc…? Then this seminar is for you. This seminar is helpful for women of all ages. Over the past several years we have come to see the reality that most women are plagued with symptoms of hormone imbalance. Many women assume that these symptoms are normal and simply a part of being a woman, yet this is not the case.

In this seminar you will learn how a woman’s cycle should be, what causes it to change, the symptoms of having a hormone imbalance, and how to get your hormones back in balance through diet, lifestyle and some simple solutions.




The Body's Project Managers & the Liver - explains the physiology of how our body's organs work and how our lifestyle effects them 



 Natural Remedies & Herbs- lecture and demonstrations of hydrotherapy treatments: hot foot bath, fomentations, hot & cold showers, contrast baths, etc. and the use of herbs and charcoal for natural healing


 GMO: Is Your Food Really Food? presents the latest research regarding genetic modified foods and how they effect our bodies 


 Other - We can customize any topic to meet your needs. Other topics we have presented include: Common Lifestyle Disesases, The Eight Laws of Health, The Components of Change

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Bring us to your home, church or community...   ttttttttto request a seminar please contact us.

We also offer health and lifestyle consultations.