The air in the average home holds approximately one million particles per cubic foot. In a day’s time, you breathe some 500 million particles (or two heaping tablespoons of airborne particles); which can lead to colds, flu, allergies, asthma, and respiratory disease. And when you consider that you spend 90% of your time indoors, doesn’t it make sense to ensure that you’re breathing the purest air possible?
Unfortunately, good housekeeping alone can’t solve the problem (no matter how often or thoroughly). The Airwise photocatalysis air purification system is designed for continuous operation—preventing inhalation of the many hazardous substances found in even the cleanest homes.
The Airwise photocatalysis air purification system uses humidity from the air to create a photocatalytic reaction between the germicidal UV lamp and the multi-metallic and titanium dioxide coatings on the target area of the ultraviolet germicidal lamp module. This reaction produces hydroxyl radicals and superoxide ions. As the radicals and ions are emitted into the room, they destroy microorganisms like bacteria and viruses as well as oxidize odors, fungi, mold, parasites, and toxic chemical gases.